McMillan to lead COB diversity and inclusion activities

Photo taken pre-COVID-19

Dr. Amy McMillan is a professor in the College’s Department of Management. Her research focuses on diversity, organizational culture and person-organization fit.

It should come as no surprise that she has been named the Copeland Director of Diversity and Inclusion in the College of Business. With this role, McMillan will serve as the College’s liaison with other diversity and inclusion offices and campus activities. She also will lead the College’s own efforts designed to highlight the importance and need for welcoming the many cultures and backgrounds needed to make COB students stronger in the workplace.

Leaders today must create organizations that promote and encourage inclusion,” said McMillan. “The workforce is more diverse than ever, and the ability to leverage that diversity to gain a competitive advantage is critical.”

One significant initiative that McMillan will spearhead is the Copeland Diversity and Inclusion Fellowship. Thanks to a generous gift from Mark and Tracy Copeland, participants in the fellowship will immerse themselves in an extensive range of programming that includes multicultural infused experiences in the classrooms and a celebration of the diverse backgrounds that our student body brings to the College of Business.

Dr. Amy McMillan

“For the fellowship, we will begin the application process this year,” said McMillan. “The fellowship will have 10 spots, so it will be competitive. Our goal is to begin the program in Fall 2021.”

Block scheduling and a hybrid learning environment brought on by COVID-19 is not deterring McMillan from working on a wish list of activities for the coming year. These activities could include:

  • Virtual town hall with featured speakers
  • Participating in the ECU virtual Emerging Scholars program
  • Working with African American Studies and History to explore the possibility of an interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate
  • Exploring internship opportunities related to diversity and inclusion
  • Continuing work on a Faculty Mentoring Program to begin next year
  • Marketing the Copeland Diversity and Inclusion Fellowship and reviewing applications

Last year, COB Dean Paul Schwager laid out four cornerstones that will help the College of Business strengthen its foundation for students, i.e., future leaders. One of those cornerstones includes diversity and inclusion. It’s a task that McMillan and the College’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Committee are glad to take on.

“We have opportunities ahead of us to make this College of Business the true destination for tomorrow’s leaders,” said McMillan. “It’s those opportunities that have us excited.”

For more information about the College’s diversity and inclusion activities, please often visit the College’s diversity and inclusion webpage:

If interested in becoming a Copeland Diversity and Inclusion Fellow, please visit this website: