E-Commerce for Fun and Profit
Looking for a fun and engaging class next fall? In MIS 4153, I teach students how to develop their own website and how to analyze existing e-commerce websites. The first […]
Looking for a fun and engaging class next fall? In MIS 4153, I teach students how to develop their own website and how to analyze existing e-commerce websites. The first […]
We are sad to report that later this month Assistant Director Tendai Ndabvonga will be leaving our Graduate Programs team and pursuing other opportunities. An integral part of our team, […]
The College recently received approval and funding for its new Student Technology Center. Construction is planned to begin January 2016. The current student computer lab and the two teaching computer […]
Raj Kannan (MBA ’90) arrived at ECU in 1987 from India with $500 in his pocket
Business students who land a new job can now really make some noise about it – by ringing the Career Center’s new Job Bell.
The College of Business and North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants (NCACPA) have enjoyed a long and rewarding partnership, especially when it comes to faculty members, students, and alumni who serve the 14,000-member statewide organization.
Junior marketing student Victoria Centeno made the most of the college’s first-ever Business Leadership Conference this past spring, arriving early to sessions and mingling with speakers.
Bernita Demery (MBA ’02) was honored April 13 in a ceremony at the Murphy Center that celebrated the impacts women have – large and small – on East Carolina University and the world. She was one of 10 women to receive the recognition.
Mark Whitacre, an Ivy League Ph.D. and the highest-ranked executive of any Fortune 500 company to become a whistleblower in U.S. history, spoke to a packed auditorium of ECU business students on April 15.
Veteran College of Business professors Dr. Judith Hunt and Dr. Fred Schadler will retire at the beginning of the fall semester, marking more than 55 years of combined teaching at East Carolina University.