
April 2015

ECU College of Business Holds Inaugural Leadership Conference

The College of Business held its first-ever Business Leadership Conference from March 31 to April 1, bringing in local titans of industry to speak to more than 1,000 business students.


March 2015

ECU AMA To Attend Conference in New Orleans

The ECU chapter of the American Marketing Association will have 13 students attending the International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans March 19-21.


Alumni Highlight: Paul J. Alar (MKTG ’78)

Paul Alar has led the way as a top investor for 30 years, focusing primarily on various alternative investment strategies.


February 2015

ECU Wins Big at National Small Business Institute Conference

ECU College of Business faculty and students won big at the National Small Business Institute® (SBI) conference held in St. Pete Beach, Fla. from Feb. 11-15, 2015.


Always here to help!

Many of you may not know this valuable resource that is available to students in The College of Business Advising Center. This resource is The Peer Mentors and The Peer Mentors are comprised of six Junior and Senior Business students that are here for one purpose, to help other students succeed.


Internship Outside of Comfort Zone Pays Off

We are fortunate to have students such as Wings Mankedick leading our graduate programs to excellence through their strong work ethics and ability to realize the value of a holistic, graduate experience.


New Year- Time To Update That Resume!

It’s not too late to start the New Year off with new habits that can make a difference, not just resolutions that get lost in the shuffle.


January 2015

Personal Finance in the College of Business

For the past 15 years, the College of Business has offered a personal finance class that covers all the basics of good personal finance decision making.


December 2014

Alumni Highlight: J. Robert Mann, Jr.

Since graduating from ECU’s MBA program in 2002, Robert Mann has stayed busy building high profile projects across the country.


Faculty Friday: Meet Dr. Linda Quick

Get to know CoB alumni and associate professor of accounting, Dr. Linda Quick.
