
July 2015

E-Commerce for Fun and Profit

Looking for a fun and engaging class next fall? In MIS 4153, I teach students how to develop their own website and how to analyze existing e-commerce websites. The first […]


Changes to the Graduate Programs Office

We are sad to report that later this month Assistant Director Tendai Ndabvonga will be leaving our Graduate Programs team and pursuing other opportunities.  An integral part of our team, […]


January 2015

Personal Finance in the College of Business

For the past 15 years, the College of Business has offered a personal finance class that covers all the basics of good personal finance decision making.


December 2014

Faculty Friday: Meet Dr. Linda Quick

Get to know CoB alumni and associate professor of accounting, Dr. Linda Quick.


November 2014

Develop A Global Business Perspective- Study Abroad

In today’s global economy, no matter where our COB students end up after they graduate, they are likely to be dealing with international partners.


October 2014

Become More Independent, While Learning How Interdependent the World Is- Study Abroad

Dr. Elaine Seeman shares her study abroad experience and explains how students grow and gain a fresh perspective of our country’s role in this world.


March 2013

ECU Spring Career Fair

The ECU Spring Career Fair is being held tomorrow at Minges Coliseum. The event is being held from 10 am – 2 pm. This is a great opportunity for students […]


Business Buzz- March 18th, 2013

In this edition of the Business Buzz: Reasons to attend the upcoming Career Fair in Minges and how to prepare Ways to volunteer to help at the Fair How to […]
