
The Crisp Center’s Small Business Resource Portal is a great way for small businesses to access the resources at ECU.  These resources include internships, grant programs, consulting classes, faculty expertise, and other knowledge resources to fuel the growth of small businesses.

Small Business Resource Portal (click to open)

Small Business Management

This nationally award-winning class works closely with small businesses for 8-16 weeks to create a 100+ page research and consulting document that addresses pressing needs of the company.  Teams of 5-7 spend 500-800 hours researching and creating recommendations and an implementation schedule.

Family Business Management

This nationally award-winning class creates consulting reports specifically for family firms.  Reports address buy/sell agreements, succession planning, wills, trusts, and ownership structures.  Teams of 4-6 spend 300-600 hours creating and delivering recommendations for the family business.

Small Business Strategy

Small Business Strategy students specifically address long-term strategic thinking and positioning in this semester-long course.  Student teams of 4-6 spend 200-400 hours developing strategic recommendations and delivering cutting-edge market research.

Corporate Entrepreneurship

Students in Corporate Entrepreneurship work with companies with 20+ employees to develop innovative approaches for product development, process improvements, and startup spinoffs.  Teams of 3-6 work with the company to observe processes for 20-30 hours, interview multiple levels of management and employees, and conduct market research to develop new innovative approaches and products.


Paid and non-paid small business internships are available each semester and summer session.  Undergraduate or graduate students are placed to work on problems of specific scope.


Faculty with years of experience in entrepreneurship, innovation, and all areas of business are available to assist businesses.


World renowned researchers are available for customized sponsored research for small businesses in need.


The Crisp Center periodically hosts workshops on various topic areas for small business.  Businesses are also welcomed to suggest beneficial workshops.


Not sure what you need?  That’s ok…ask a question or state your need and we will help you find an answer.

Small Business Resource Portal (click to open)