Office of Expert Services

Looking for help that improves your organization’s productivity and accelerates its growth? The College of Business (COB) Office of Expert Services can help. Our experts, business practitioners and researchers will work with you and your management team, side by side, to structure programs that keep you competitive and sustainable in today’s dynamic economic landscape.

Your organization is vital to the economic engine that drives eastern North Carolina. The challenges you are facing, e.g., resiliency, customer and employee retention, sales, etc., are not issues without answers. The COB Office of Expert Services is available to help you customize solutions that will advance not only your company but the employees you rely on daily.

Aligned Expertise

Eastern North Carolina and its tapestry of businesses require more than a one-size-fits-all all approach to meeting challenges head-on. By combining our regional expertise with applicable research and business best practices, the COB Office of Expert Services and its areas of expertise are aligned with opportunities to help you grow and succeed.  And the good news? Entrepreneurs and decision-makers have access to our expertise when needed.
Questions? The COB Office of Expert Services is ready to work with you. Contact us at

University Program Associate
Picture of Andrew Herdman
Andrew Herdman
Director of Professional Services and Executive Education
Picture of Emily Yeager
Emily Yeager
Interim Director of Crisp Small Business Resource Center
Picture of William Rowe
William Rowe
Director of Bureau of Business Research
Picture of John Chapman
John Chapman
Director of Twilley Academy of Sales Leadership
Picture of Lucky Xue
Lucky Xue
Director of Center for Healthcare Management Systems