Stay Involved!

As a proud nationally-competitive business school that combines excellent student learning experiences with quality research serving the nation and the world, our goal is to create lasting relationships with alumni. We constantly strive to facilitate links between our 26,000+ alumni, students, faculty, staff, and the business community. We hope you’ll continue to stay in touch with your ECU College of Business family through the years. From Facebook to LinkedIn, there are many ways to stay Connected!  Make sure you update your alumni profile information as your life and career progresses, so that we may keep you better informed of the great things happening in the college. Take a look at our newsletter Stocknotes!  We count on our community of diverse, talented alumni to help us carry on the ECU College of Business core values.

Looking for ways to give back? The following are just a few of the opportunities to get involved:

Arrange a Tour or Coordinate an Internship/Job Shadowing

By arranging for students to tour your company or organization, you can facilitate a rewarding exchange between your organization and the college.

By offering job shadowing and internships, you are able to tap into some of the best and brightest talent from the College of Business. Your company benefits as well by gaining firm-awareness and visibility within the ECU College of Business community.

Engage with Business Students

At an Etiquette Event

Each semester we host several on-campus dinners led by an etiquette instructor and would love to have you volunteer as a “table host.”  Your presence and involvement will help our students sharpen networking skills and business professional soft skills.

At an Event in Your City

Information sessions occur across the state throughout the academic year and we encourage you to attend one in your city. Your participation provides an opportunity to build the College of Business community and creates a valuable exchange between future students and alumni.

Volunteer as a Guest Speaker

Professional relationships between external constituents and the College of Business faculty and administration are important to the college mission.  Guest speakers provide students an opportunity to hear real-world experiences from distinguished alumni and friends on various business-related topics. If you’d like to volunteer your time to speak in a class, indicate so on the alumni update form.

Support COB Scholarship

Your support profoundly impact the lives of our business students, the economic development of the state and nation, and the future of your alma mater. We graduate more than 1,000 business students each year. We prepare the leaders of tomorrow. We invite you to invest in the College of Business and help continue its transformation.

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