
The College of Business (COB) is currently comprised of five departments and two schools. At the undergraduate level the degree programs include BSBA degrees in Accounting, Finance, Management, Management Information Systems, and Marketing and the BS in Hospitality Management. There are also two undergraduate certificate programs that are housed in the COB. At the Graduate level the degree programs include the MBA, the MS in Accounting and the MS in Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality. There are also seven graduate certificate programs that are housed in the COB.

As shown in the organization chart, the Associate Dean for Academic Quality (ADAQ) oversees the Assurance of Learning (AOL) program and reports directly to the COB Dean. The assessment for specific knowledge areas is generally managed within the appropriate Department/School, while the assessment of competencies (i.e., Think, Value, Communicate & Lead) is managed by interdisciplinary committees at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Each Department and School is fully responsible for managing the assessment and loop closure of certificate programs housed in their areas. The ADAQ also chairs the COB Assurance of Learning Committee, which consists of the Chairs of all AOL-related committees and the COB Chairs and Directors. The University’s Office of Institutional Planning and Research facilitates assessment in all the Colleges and conducts an assessment audit annually. This audit draws from members of the COB AOL Committee to form the Assessment Review Committee (ARC). The process requires ARC members to audit COB programs outside their respective areas for compliance, loop closure and system improvements. The Division of Labor and Responsibility tables shown below specify the primary responsibilities of each party for activities at each stage of the AOL process as well as areas where they may be called upon to assist.

ECU College of Business Organization for Student Assurance of Learning

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ECU College of Business Student Assurance of Learning Assessment Roles and Division of Labor

ECU College of Business Assessment - Division of Labor and ResponsibilityImplementation StageMaintenance and Outcome StagesSupport and Sustainability Stages