Resume & Cover Letter
What is a Resume?
A resume is a one page document summarizing your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. An effective resume describes your education and experience that specifically relate to the job you are applying for. Information on the resume should be presented in order of relevance to the position and the skills, knowledge and abilities it requires.
What is a Cover Letter?
A cover letter is a one-page document that you would send to a potential employer when you are applying for a job that expresses your interest and introduces the resume. It should grab the employer’s attention and point out why they should contact you for an interview. See cover letter samples (PDF).
When should I submit my resume?
You should submit your resume when you find a position that you want to apply for, but also use your resume as a summary of your accomplishments during networking situations.
What is a good format for a resume?
You do not want to get overly creative with the format of your resume. A professional way to do it is using bullet points and action verbs. See resume guidelines and examples (PDF).
How is a resume used?
Resumes are submitted to employers either electronically or in person at networking events or career fairs. Based on your resume, cover letter, and personal experience, the employer will decide if they would like to invite you for an interview.
Resume and Cover Letter Reviews
Drop by the Cunanan Center for Professional Success (Bate 3013) to have your resume and cover letter reviewed, or call 252-737-1236 to schedule an appointment.