CHMS People

CHMS – Faculty Member
Yajiong Xue is a Professor in the College of Business at East Carolina University. She holds a BS in international pharmaceutical business from China pharmaceutical University, China and a MS in information systems and a PhD in management information technology and innovation from Auburn University. Her research appears in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of the AIS, Communications of the ACM, Communications of the AIS, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, Drug Discovery Today, and International Journal of Medical Informatics. Her current research interests include strategic management of IT, IT governance, IT security, and healthcare information systems. She was among the top 10 globally in terms of MISQ and ISR publications between 2007 and 2009. She worked for Pharmacia & Upjohn and Kirsch Pharma GmbH for several years. She served as a senior editor for Harvard China Review in 2005-2006. She serves as an associate editor for Communications of the AIS at present. Email:

CHMS – Current Visiting Research Fellows
 Mr. Zhenhua Li, PhD Candidate, Jiangsu University of Science & Technology

CHMS – Past Visiting Research Fellows

Dr. Hong Miao, Assistant Professor, Jiangsu University of Science & Technology
Dr. Wei Dong, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Dr. Jin He, Associate Professor, Guangdong University of Technology
Jun Yin, Instructor, Jiangsu University of Science & Technology
Shuijuan Wu, Instructor, Jiangsu University of Science & Technology
Dr. Xin Li, Associate Professor, Nanjing Medical University
Dr. Xiaolin Sun, Professor, Xi’an University of Finance and Economics
Dr. Jianjun Wang, Associate Professor, Dalian University of Technology
Dr. Juanru Wang, Associate Professor, College of Management, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Dr. Shilun Ge, Professor and Vice President, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Dr. Nan Ren, Associate Professor and Department Chair, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Dr. Nianxin Wang, Assistant Professor, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Hong Miao, MS, Instructor, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Prof. Yongjun Liu, Associate Professor and Department Chair, China Pharmaceutical University
Dr. Yongfa Chen, Associate Professor and Vice Dean of College of International Pharmaceutical Business at China Pharmaceutical University
Prof. Jinxi Ding, Associate Professor and Department Chair of Pharmacy Administration at China Pharmaceutical University
Lu Geng, Master Student of Pharmacy Administration, China Pharmaceutical University
Prof. Huaifu Xu, Associate Professor, College of International Pharmaceutical Business, China Pharmaceutical University
Jia Zhu, Master Student of Pharmacy Administration, China Pharmaceutical University

Graduate Student

Ms. Shannon Pashby, MBA Candidate