Scott Dellana
Scott A. Dellana, Professor, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management
College of Business
East Carolina University
118 Slay Hall
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Scott is a Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management in the College of Business at East Carolina University. Previously he served four years as Interim Chair for the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management and five years as Chair for the Department of Decision Sciences, both in the College of Business at East Carolina University.
Prior to joining East Carolina University, he was the Quality Assurance Manager for the DemMaTec Foundation, a manufacturing incubator formed by the Missouri University of Science and Technology through its Center for Technology Transfer. He also worked as an engineering manager on military aircraft design and R&D with the McDonnell Douglas Corporation in St. Louis, Missouri and as an aerospace engineer with Rockwell International Corporation’s North American Aviation Division in Columbus, Ohio.
He has focused his research in two areas: applied research in quality management, and quality control, particularly in areas of difficult applications such as in supply chain and service environments; and, mathematical modeling applications in quality, forecasting, supply, and process analysis. His published research has appeared in many journals that include: International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Interfaces, Journal of Quality Technology, International Journal of Forecasting, Operations Management Research, Information Sciences, Quality Engineering, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, and Computers & Operations Research.
He received a BS in Civil Engineering, magna cum laude, from the University of Pittsburgh, and MS and PhD degrees in Engineering Management from the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He is a member of Chi Epsilon and Tau Beta Pi engineering honor societies and the Beta Gamma Sigma business honor society. He has held secret clearance with the U.S. Airforce and the U.S. Navy. He is both a US citizen and a European citizen (member state of Italy).