Danny Ellis

Danny F. Ellis, Senior Teaching Instructor
Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management
College of Business
East Carolina University
134 Slay Hall
Greenville, NC  27858-4353
Curriculum Vita (PDF)

Dr. Danny Ellis is often sought out nationally for his teaching and speaking abilities related to leadership and organizational development. He emphasizes that “you can’t teach what you don’t know and you can’t lead where you won’t go”. He is a highly creative, goal-oriented professional with solid team building, managing, and marketing experience. He possesses demonstrated experience in health care management, policy design, implementation, and budgeting. He currently teaches Supply Chain Management and Business Decision Modeling at ECU. He has held positions ranging from Director of Sales/Marketing to Hospital Administrator. Dr. Ellis has spearheaded many projects that include issues such as leadership, organizational development and assessment, market analysis, health disparities, cultural competency, race relations, human relations, and grant writing. He has presented on national, state and local levels. He has an MBA from ECU and a PhD from Capella University.