BUSI 4200

Business professionals speak about their experiences.
Leadership Capstone (BUSI 4200) – Learn about the qualities of good leaders and demonstrate those qualities in a business setting.
BUSI 4200 focuses on analyzing, understanding, and appreciating the different characteristics of leaders presented during class discussions by local and regional business professionals. The ability to articulate and demonstrate these qualities in a business setting prepares you to set yourself apart from others in your new career.
Course Objectives
- Ensure your ability to articulate a personal leadership philosophy.
- Think critically to identify leadership qualities and communicate those concepts.
- Develop and articulate recommendations for demonstrating leadership capacity in different organizational settings.
- Understand the value that positive leadership has on an organization, the interaction of leadership styles within a group, and the role that character strengths play upon individual performance. (This information is a part of Truist Emerging Leaders Certification which is created, owned, and delivered by Truist Leadership Institute.)
Reinforcing Leadership Qualities
- Interacting with business professionals who come to speak with students
- Completing Truist Emerging Leaders Certification conducted in a two-day seminar by Truist Leadership Institute
- Articulating ideas using a video interview system