Department of Management Published Work
Making sense of climate: A meta-analytic extension of the competing values framework
Author: Jeremy M. Beus, Shelby J. Solomon, Erik C. Taylor (MGMT) and Candace A. Esken
Publication: Organizational Psychology Review
Link: Making sense of climate: A meta-analytic extension of the competing values framework
Abstract: Organizational climate research has surged recently, but the disbursement of research contributions across domains has made it difficult to draw conclusions about climate and its connections with performance. To make sense of the climate literature, we used the competing values framework (CVF) to classify domain-specific climates into four climate types (clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market climates). We did so by conceptually linking domain-specific climates that are manifestations of the same underlying strategic values. We then conducted meta-analyses to examine the magnitudes, mechanisms, and moderators of the individual and group-level associations between the CVF climates and performance. These meta-analyses revealed positive climate–performance associations for each climate type and supported job attitudes as a common mediator. We also examined several methodological moderators of climate–performance relationships, testing the source of climate and performance measures, the temporal assessment of these constructs, and the level of within-group agreement in climate measures as possible boundary conditions.
Keywords: organizational climate, psychological climate, culture, values, meta-analysis
The Dual Fit Perspective: Examining the Simultaneous Effects of Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Regulatory Fit on Motivation
Author: Brian Waterwall (MGMT)
Publication: American Journal of Management
Link: The Dual Fit Perspective: Examining the Simultaneous Effects of Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Regulatory Fit on Motivation
Abstract: Drawing from regulatory focus and regulatory fit theories, this paper introduces a framework for understanding the simultaneous occurrence of intrapersonal and interpersonal regulatory fit. The Dual Fit Perspective (DFP) proposes that different combinations of intrapersonal and interpersonal regulatory fit (i.e., Dual Fit) have varying influences on employee motivation. According to the DFP, some combinations of regulatory fit (misfit) are more desirable than others. The theory presented in this paper provides a more nuanced view of regulatory fit and suggests that misfit is not as detrimental to motivation as previously portrayed.
Keywords: Dual Fit Perspective, Regulatory Focus, Regulatory Fit, Motivation
Drivers of selectivity in family firms: Understanding the impact of age and ownership on CSR
Authors: Laura Madden (MGMT), Amy McMillan (MGMT) and Oneil Harris (FINA)
Publication: Journal of Family Business Strategy
Link: Drivers of selectivity in family firms: Understanding the impact of age and ownership on CSR
Abstract: A family firm’s decision to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a complex one, and many contradictory findings exist to explain why a firm invests in CSR. Socioemotional selectivity theory (SEST) suggests that family firms’ selectivity changes over time, which affects their relationships and therefore their engagement in CSR. To study these effects, we examined 1436 family and non-family firms over an eight-year period to show that ownership structure (family vs. non-family firm) and age drive CSR engagement. While family firms are more likely to invest in CSR activities than non-family firms, we found that as family firms age, this changes. In fact, as family firms age, they become more selective and invest less heavily in CSR activities. Our findings highlight the importance of studying the heterogeneity in firm-level investments in CSR as well as the impact of selectivity on their strategic investments.
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, CSR, Socioemotional selectivity theory, Family firms, Age, Ownership