Faculty Alliance
The Crisp Small Business Resource Center frequently partners with faculty (inside and outside of the ECU Community) to integrate entrepreneurial projects in the classroom. Student engagement is mutually beneficial as students receive reinforced learning through application and small businesses receive assistance.
Faculty who create engaged learning class projects that directly benefit small businesses may receive monetary support from the Crisp Small Business Resource Center. All teaching faculty interested in working with the Crisp Center may apply to receive one of two $1,000 supplemental awards each semester. Winners will be selected based on scale and value of assistance that would be provided to small businesses.
Current examples of class projects:
- Managing the Family Business Consulting Report– Student teams assist family business owners with navigating succession planning, wills, trusts, and ownership structure.
- Small Business Management Consulting Report– Student teams assist with business planning, marketing, and recommendations for improved efficiency.
Possible class projects:
- Art students create commissioned works to be displayed on loan for businesses with new facilities.
- Exercise physiology students create a health and wellness plan for small business clients.
- Engineering and technology students design custom database software for tracking suppliers.
- English students proof customer support documentation.
The Crisp Small Business Resource Center will be happy to assist with development of class projects or modules and to identify small business partners.
Questions? Please contact David Mayo mayod@ecu.edu for additional information.