Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management Published Work

How does personalization affect brand relationship in social commerce? A mediation perspective

Authors: Trang P. Tran (MSCM), Michelle van Solt, James E. Zemanek Jr. (MSCM)
Link: How does personalization affect brand relationship in social commerce? A mediation perspective
Abstract: This paper aims to tests a conceptual model capturing the influence of personalized advertising on customer perceptions of brands in social media and identifies three market segments based on customers’ reactions to personalized ads. 

Keywords: Cluster analysis, meditation, PLS-SEM, Personalized advertising, Facebook

An integrative framework of supply chain flexibility

Author: Ying Liao
Publication: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
Link: An integrative framework of supply chain flexibility
Abstract: It is crucial to recognize that supply chain flexibility is important to build sustainable competitive edge in coping with uncertainty. This study puts forth an empirically supported integrative framework to understand supply chain flexibility from market-oriented and network-oriented perspectives, interrelationships among its dimensions and the effect of supply chain complexity as a contingent factor. The results of this study demonstrate that there are interrelationships among market-oriented and network-oriented supply chain flexibility dimensions. It is the flexibility embedded in the supply chain network configuration that plays critical roles in superior performance in flexibility capabilities to create customer values. The interrelated effect among flexibility dimensions is contingent on the magnitude of the supply chain complexity corresponding to the number of supply chain tiers.

Keywords: Supply chain flexibility, Market-oriented flexibility, Network flexibility, Supply chain complexity, Contingency

Supplier empowerment: Mediating situational factors and perceived performance

Authors: Kun Liaoa, Xiaodong Dengb, Ying Liao (MSCM), and Qingyu Zhangd
Publication: Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
Link: Supplier empowerment: Mediating situational factors and perceived performance
Abstract: The understanding of the behavioral and cognitive factors that affect organizations’ performance has attracted increasing attention of scholars and practitioners. Based on the literature of psychological empowerment at the individual and the team levels, this study develops the concept of supplier empowerment in the context of purchasing and supply management. Further, this study proposes a research model that explores the role of supplier empowerment as a cognitive concept in mediating the relationship between situational factors (a supplier’s process modularity and the mutual trust with its customers/buyers) and the supplier’s perceived performance in its operations and customer service. This model is tested with 208 responses from automotive industry suppliers. The findings highlight the importance of empowered suppliers in decreasing inventory levels and increasing order fulfillment performance.

Keywords: Supplier empowerment, Modularity, Trust, Supplier’s perceived performance, Mediating effects