
The College of Business at ECU considers STUDENTS as the primary customer of the college and per our mission statement is committed to providing an engaging learning environment. To fulfill our mission, we drive a culture of excellence through continuous improvement of all processes, including student learning. Student learning outcomes are defined and assessed for general program knowledge, discipline-specific knowledge and for competencies that cut across all programs and disciplines, which include: Critical Thinking, Values, Communication and Leadership.

Assessment for continuous program improvement is conducted throughout the college for all programs. The college has stated learning outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA), the Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM), the Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BSE), the MBA program, the Master of Science in Accounting (MSA), and the Master of Science in Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality (MS-STH). Our many certificate program offerings, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, also have identified student learning outcomes which are assessed regularly for quality.

Assessment and continuous improvement of our many programs, both undergraduate and graduate, is undertaken on a systematic basis. Our faculty study the results from assessments and, from these, develop ongoing improvements in our programs and courses to accomplish improvements in our student learning outcomes.

[ECU Faculty Use Only – Link to Nuventive Improve Site]