COB Sophomore

Taking the Initiative

Congratulations as you continue your journey in your second year in the College of Business!

There are plenty of opportunities and challenges ahead. We are here to provide assistance as you make personal and academic decisions. As you move forward, remember to THINK, VALUE, COMMUNICATE, and LEAD!


Do your grades reflect if your major is the right fit? Does your major fit your goals? Are you interested by what you are or will be studying in your major? If not, consider taking the following steps:


Value your time to make sure that you are on-track to declare your major and concentration. Most concentration courses in the BSBA majors cannot be taken until the declaration requirements have been met.


Communicate with the Cunanan Center for Professional Success about your career goals and what you should be doing as a sophomore.

  • Attend career fairs and other networking events.
  • Meet with the internship coordinator.
  • Use online resources and relationships built through networking to explore careers.


Get involved in at least one student organization. Taking an active role can help build your leadership skills.