Graduate Certificate in Finance

The finance certificate will prepare students for management positions in the financial services industry and provide students with knowledge related to financial services management and administration.  Each course is designed to concentrate on specific financial management techniques that will prepare students for employment opportunities within the financial community as financial analysts, financial managers, real estate professionals, and banking professionals.  The certificate will also prepare students for professional designations such as Charted Financial Analyst (CFA) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP). has ranked ECU  #18 in their Best Online MBA in Finance Degree rankings as well as “Best in the Southeast”.

This certificate is available online.

Certificate Requirements

All courses require FINA6144 Financial Management I to be successfully completed prior to beginning certificate coursework. FINA6874 is “Topics in Finance;” students can take this course up to three times as  long as they do not repeat the same topic.

Course Rotation

Due to course rotations, this program takes a minimum of 2 semesters to complete.

FINA 6624 Investment Management
6824 Portfolio Theory, Construction and Management
6876 International Financial Management
6874 Risk Management and Insurance

FINA 6624 Investment Management
6874 Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets
6914 Portfolio Management and Operations Practicum (online but must meet virtually two afternoons every week; pre-requisite of FINA 6824)

Summer I
FINA 6876 International Financial Management

Summer II
FINA 6624 Investment Management
6874 Financial Markets & Institutions

Contact Information

Arthur Graduate School of Business
Bate 1200

Admissions Information

This certificate is only available to ECU MBA students, ECU MSA students, students who are enrolled in another AACSB accredited institution, or students who have already received an MBA from an AACSB-accredited institution. The certificate can replace the electives component of the ECU MBA degree. ECU students should complete this form to add the certificate to their degree plan.